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Click and collect service

click and collect service

Automated and secure click and collect service for internal (within your company) and external (to your customers) use.


Preparing and issuing items to employees or customers has never been easier. Use Parzelo to ensure a fully automated and secure way to offer click and collect services to your employees or customers.

Proud of our partners and clients
Is your click & collect service still manual?
Automate registration, delivery, and notifications, all while keeping track of every item
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No more manual work in excel sheets and databases thanks to automated workflows.
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Clear log of every item that is issued. Including timestamps and names.
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Store the items safely in a smart locker. Only the recipient has access.
Your employees or customers deserve convenience
Clear communication to employees or customers when their item is ready for pick-up. They can collect their order 24/7, regardless of opening hours.
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Your streamlined click and collect process
Scan and register the parcel. Parzelo can search your employee/customer database and automatically assign it to any person or location.
Parzelo can generate unique labels for each item, making it easy to organise which item belongs to who.

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Want to see how Parzelo can simplify your click and collect service?

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